Sunday, June 28, 2009

Thinking about re-opening the blog

I remember starting this blog. Then life gets busy. We prioritize. I am still not sure if I will be able to keep this up.

I like the name- Host of Angels. As my children are getting older (the oldest will be 28 y/o this year!), I find that I delight in the individuals they have become. At least in general. Sure- everyone is not perfect- I certainly am not, and my children certainly are not. I have taken to telling them if our job here on earth was done, if we had reached the stage of perfection that God asks of us, then we will leave this earth and move on to Him. Since we are still here, I guess God is still working on us and that we still have His work to do.

The FFwd from the last posts: I completed the CrM training, and the medical consultant training, but did not get certified for a number of reasons. My family had moved a few times, and has suffered some horrible times and under unbelievable circumstances. I have a son who submitted to a plea bargain, at the expense of himself and his life, in exchange for many reasons- including his family, though he was not without some guilt.

The Hosts of Angels certainly have had to lend their help to us- our Guardian Angels especially. St. Micheal has been invoked by us almost daily, sometimes multiple times a day- as Satan has certainly tried to have his way with us.

Though there have surely been events as recently as this past week, we will, as always, Trust is God, repeating the Phrase "Jesus, I trust in You". ...and the prayer

St. Michael the Arch Angel
Defend us in battle
Be our protection from the wickedness and snares of the Devil
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray.
And do Though, oh Prince of the Heavenly Host,
through the power of God
thrust into Hell- Satan, and all evil spirits
who wander (prowl) throughout the world
seeking the ruin of souls.

Saturday, October 09, 2004

Finished!!! With part 1 that is...

Tonight those of us in the Education Phase One of the Creighton Model FertiliCare System finished the first 1/2 of our didactic course. That means, though I didn't know this ahead of time, that I got a whole bunch of additional initials placed behind my name. Alphabet Soup. Just call me Nancy... I am still so tickled pink to be associated with such a terrific group of people who are enthusiastic about their faith, that are trying to live it, and trying to help others "get it". I don't mean preaching or anything so direct, not trying to "convert" someone to Catholicism per se, though sometimes it might happen as a natural extention of things. I'm referring to relationships as well as the harm that contraception can do in merely masking problems, creating more problems and ignoring the real issues. It would take forever to expound on this subject, but suffice it to say that throughout the course of this week, Humanae Vitae was reviewed, Familiaris Consortis referred to, we talked about the Holy Spirit and the ways God works in us, we talked about contraception, about true Family Planning. We memorized and studied and got tested on hormones, anatomy, fertility issues, infertility, menstrual cycle patterns, communication...I could go on and on. I also coined a phase this week that I think applied by the end of some days "scrambled brains"! But tonight we got our candles and were commissioned to go out and tell the world...Check out NaProTechnology and the Creighton Model...

Saturday, October 02, 2004

Fertility Care

I have started the first part of a two part course today in Fertility Care. It is most exciting to be finally learning more in detail about this subject. The Creighton Model of Fertility Care is so much more than Natural Family Planning. It provides a way for couples to get closer, for women to learn to know their body and its natural rhythm, and provides a way for them to detect problems that are able to be diagnosed, and in most cases successfully treated. One of the other great things about the course is being around other people who share the same enthusiasm about this method, but also about their faith. Stories and experiences are shared, and enlightenment and understanding dawns upon those who may be still struggling with some issues. Walking and living one's faith is hard- especially when the very basis of it is being threatened and questioned on a daily basis. Some of those embarking on the non-contraceptive journey have not yet experienced many challenges, some of us have. In today's culture we are confronted with a different outlook on life every day and at every turn. Please keep those people who are experiencing difficult times in your prayers, and remember to keep those who have hard times approaching in your prayers too.

Thursday, September 30, 2004

Host of Angels...the opening post

Geez. I meant to just make a comment on someone else's blog, and here I am with a blog myself? I must admit to having thought about doing this, but not particularly tonight. You all will hopefully excuse me while I figure this whole thing out. I am no dummy normally, but some of the techno-design-computer stuff is just way out of my league. I have other things that I've been working on the past several years... Like getting married, having kids, going to school, moving across country a time or two... I'll have to post a bio eventually, but one of said children is crying- my guess is he doesn't really want to sleep yet.